life hidden inside, stuck in a black box

Friday, January 26, 2007


Sen, kaçan ürkek ceylânsın dağda,
Ben, peşine düşmüş bir canavarım!
İstersen dünyayı çağır imdada;
Sen varsın dünyada, bir de ben varım!

Seni korkutacak geçtiğin yollar,
Arkandan gelecek hep ayak sesim.
Sarıp vücudunu belirsiz kollar,
Enseni yakacak ateş nefesim.

Kimsesiz odanda kış geceleri,
İçin ürperdiği demler beni an!
De ki: Odur sarsan pencereleri,
De ki: Rüzgâr değil, odur haykıran!

Göğsümden havaya kattığım zehir,
Solduracak bir gül gibi ömrünü,
Kaçıp dolaşsan da sen, şehir şehir,
Bana kalacaksın yine son günü.

Ölürsün... Kapanır yollar geriye;
Ben mezarla sırdaş olur, beklerim.
Varılmaz hayale işaret diye,
Toprağında bir taş olur, beklerim...

Necip Fazıl Kısakürek

Sunday, January 21, 2007


well i hope god protects your soul
i don't know if you should leave home alone
maybe you've been drinking from the devil's bowl
i can't express myself 'cause i'm not fully grown

my heartache, is my mistake you see
my heartache, is my mistake you see

well i am conscious of the way that i act
but i won't betray you, you can be sure of that
i'm not a pet who does tricks at the drop of a hat
i wish i was fiction, i wish i was fact

my heartache, is my mistake you see
my heartache, is my mistake you see

i need to build a wall around me
i need to build a wall around me
but i want to smile with everybody
would you say that is possessive of me?
would you say that is possessive of me?

yes we feel bad in winter
we act a little bit strange
the dark sky threatens me daily
makes me alter and change, change, change, change

i need to build a wall around me
but i want to smile with everybody
would you say that is possessive of me?

Friday, April 07, 2006

marble steps thou shall not question.

maybe i am not ready. pff whatever lets try it. dont bother me about my grammer, spelling mistakes please! lets get into the blackbox.

so i am kind of depressed as i am a total failure. it has been 2 months since i came, still i have not fulfilled any of the things i have desired to do. poetry i have is declining as i am not able to get any inspration from this city. actually my incapability is some kind of inspration as i feel like trapped. i think main reason for this "incap" is that i am not reading in my mother language as much as i did back in motherland. so i made my mum and pap send me lots of books. but they send me extra boring depressing "french romantic" books, which mean "full of pain" creativity periods for me.

i also know that i need to ready my articles for ZOR, and ready some stuff for my cousin so that he can CONSIDER publishing. but i so messed up that i dont care about school, myself then everything is falling apart.

"i am so clever, fuck forever?"
no no!
"stuck forever!"

this kind of behavior is making me asocial, as i lose all myself confidence, self esteem ( whatever! ). and it is really not time to be asocial, this is erasmus.

at least i am forcing myself to have some dicipline about life and trying to organize myself, my life, my ambitions... it is a slow process as i am easily distracted... i should be able to concentrate god please why did u create me so stupid! i lack self respect!

"man who cannot govern himself..." i dont want to finish this sentence. no need to punish my self confidence more.

now lets talk about music, only thing that is keeping me sane these days. ( thank you very much vincent, i am so glad that i met u, u changed my view to music! )

- out the blackbox, everything is not black - is sometimes so funny... cmon what is the connection of morning stares with the muse!. morning stares is a cool band from chicago, i admit that sometimes they sound very cheesy, not too cheesy i would never compare them with "evanescenes".very good orchestral stuff they have there.

since january i have been in denmark so i had opportunity to listen a lot of danish swedish, norvegian bands. i am not gonna talk about minor majority, kings of convenience (they are everywhere) but arenbe a swedish band, they fulfilled most of my expectations - and believe me i have really high expectations for scand. bands as pioneers have increased my expectations alot.

so massive attack have a new album, not an album maybe but some kind of collection with new songs inside, i will listen to it i really want to comment about it. my first impression about the single "live with me" is astonishing! it is amazing, the music video is very good, it looks like a less lesbian version of "smack my bitch up"... as i am doing erasmus here it reminded me of ourselves just in a preparty :)

the vines, baby shambles, and flaming lips have new albums out, again alot to listen to and like :) but i am planning to buy all brian eno albums ( a hundred thousand of them ?? ) and listen to them first


so i am gonna write some stuff tomorrow, then pause for 5-6 days as i will be in my mother land. eh vi ses i morgen.